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Railroad Safety and Transloading PHMSA Regulations
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Hazmat Hazwoper PHMSA
What level do you need to be trained too? HAZWOPER 8-hour First Responder 8-hour First Responder strives to train individuals who will be involved with Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER). HAZWOPER first responders at the operations level are individuals who respond to releases or potential releases of hazardous substances as part of the initial response to the site for the purpose of protecting nearby persons, property, or the environment from the effects of the release. They are trained to respond in a defensive fashion without actually trying to stop the release. Their function is to contain the release from a safe distance, keep it from spreading, and prevent exposures. HAZWOPER 24-hour Training HAZWOPER 24 Hour Training is required for employees visiting an Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Operation mandated by the Government. This course covers broad issues pertaining to the hazard recognition at work sites. OSHA has developed the HAZWOPER program to protect the workers working at hazardous sites and devised extensive regulations to ensure their safety and health. This course, while identifying different types of hazards, also suggests possible precautions and protective measures to reduce or eliminate hazards at the work place. HAZWOPER 40-hour Training While the introductory 24-hour training presents the fundamentals for HAZWOPER knowledge, the 40-Hour Training is for those individuals whose continued activities put them in contact, or potential contact with hazardous materials. Those workers who are involved in clean-up operations, voluntary clean-up operations, emergency response operations, and storage, disposal, or treatment of hazardous substances or uncontrolled hazardous waste sites are required by law to obtain this training.40 Hour Hazwoper Training Course covers the following topics: - OSHA Regulation Overview - Site Characterization - Hazard recognition - Toxicology - Hazard and Safety Analysis - Hazardous Chemical Awareness - Radiological Hazards - Respiratory Protection - Medical Surveillance - Personal Protective Equipment - Site Control - Decontamination - Air Monitoring - Confined Space Entry - Emergency Procedures - Material Sampling

Railroad Transloading Safety
Published July 12, 2013 in the Federal Register (FR Vol. 78, No. 134, 41853), the Safety Advisory is issued by the PHMSA of the USDOT in coordination with the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) and the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and in consultation with the Federal Railroad Administration of the USDOT. Its scope is limited to those persons who heat a rail tank car to prepare its hazardous material contents for unloading or transloading (defined below). Its purpose is to prevent accidents that occur as a result of the heating of hazardous materials contained in rail tank cars. To achieve its purpose, this Safety Advisory: Provides safety precautions and recommended guidance for persons engaged in heating a hazardous materials in a rail tank car for the purpose of unloading and transloading, and; Reminds subject persons of current regulatory requirements for these activities. CURRENT REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS: The Hazardous Material Regulations (HMR) of the PHMSA/USDOT at 49 CFR Parts 171-180 apply to the transportation in commerce of HazMat by air, rail, highway, and vessel. The term “transportation” includes rail tank car loading and unloading incidental to movement and rail tank car transloading operations. However, the HMR generally does not apply to tank car unloading operations conducted at the receiving facility (consignee) after the rail tank car has been delivered. The HMR contains regulations (49 CFR 174.67 for rail tank car transloading operations) that, if followed, should prevent accidents caused by the heating of HazMat in rail tank cars. Current regulatory requirements for a person involved in the transloading of HazMat in rail tank cars include: Training of HazMat Employees. Written safety procedures governing transloading operations. Safety procedures immediately available to employees responsible for rail tank car transloading. Measures to prevent movement of the rail tank car during transloading. Secure access to the track where transloading operations take place. Rail tank car must be attended or monitored as all times during transloading operations. OSHA’s Process Safety Management (PSM) standard at 29 CFR 1910.119) contains requirements for processes that use, store, manufacture, handle, or transport highly hazardous chemicals on-site. This includes the bulk loading and unloading operations and other operations that involve PSM-covered chemicals. The PSM standard requires the following of employers: Compile process safety information (PSI). Perform a process hazard analysis. Develop and implement written operating procedures. Training of applicable employees. Also, the OSHA regulations at 29 CFR 1910.120 – Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) require training for workers exposed to hazardous substances, health hazards, or safety hazards before performing hazardous waste operations and emergency response. Under its General Duty clause, the USEPA requires facilities to identify the hazards associated with an accidental release of an extremely hazardous substance and to design and maintain a facility to prevent such releases. Some facilities may also be subject to the requirement to develop a Risk Management Plan (RMP) which includes accident prevention measures similar to those of OSHA’s PSM. USEPA requires other emergency planning and prevention that may apply to a facility that loads or unloads rail tank cars, they are: 40 CFR Part 68 – Chemical Accident Prevention Provisions 40 CFR Part 112 – Oil Pollution Prevention

Rigging & Signal Person
Rigging Training Employers must use qualified riggers during hoisting activities for assembly and disassembly work according to OSHA Regulation 1926.1404(r)(1) How to properly use wire rope, chain and synthetic web slings,rigging hardware, and lifting devices. How to interpret capacity charts for wire rope, slings and rigging hardware when performing proof test. The three methods used to calculate sling loading. Safe rigging practices and procedures. The correct way to give ASME hand signals & voice signals. ASME responsibilities of signalpersons. Procedures for safely working cranes near power lines. How to interpret and comply with OSHA’s steel erection standard. How to comply with OSHA requirements when hoisting personnel with cranes. How to perform a pre-use inspection on wire rope, chain and synthetic web slings, hooks, shackles, eye bolts, hoist rings,turnbuckles, spreader/lifting beams, load blocks, sheaves, etc. How to determine the weight of a load. How to prepare a lift plan. How to properly use hoists, chain falls and come-alongs.